
A SourceForge Project

SourceForge.net Logo

Yes - we still need a logo, and some code - but we're off (and, like British Rail, we're getting there).

Kathode is going to be a Window Manager, based on the KDE libraries (because reinventing the wheel is no fun) that aims to actually manage your windows for you. There is likely to be some ability to play with individual windows, but in general the user will control the layout of the workspace, and Kathode will control the windows within this framework.

Application windows will be placed in non overlapping regions of the screen, allowing maximal usage of the users physical screen(s). New applications will be placed into one of these regions, applying the desired geometry to the application. Multiple applications will share each region, with only one visible at a time.

An open and abstracted design will allow for keyboard, mouse, or any other system of control desired. Actions - splitting/merging regions, resizing regions, changing applications, moving applications, changing workspaces - will be abstracted, allowing simple interfaces to be written.

The handling of multi window applications (e.g. GIMP), transient windows, dialogue boxes, etc. should be abstracted to allow for various methods to be developed and appropriate plugins provided as options